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Experiment of pareidolia by automatic facial recognition, on images of the Four Elements.
Screensavers found on the web, depicting the four alchemical elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Gold, on which a pareidolia experiment has been performed, using automatic facial recognition.
The pictures have been queried and annotate from an open source face-morph tool.
Images captured during one of the processing and mapping phases of the tool.
System of practical (metallurgical, pharmaceutical...) philosophical and esoteric knowledge, developed in the Arab world and in Europe in the Middle Ages, that promoted, above all, the transmutability of raw base metals into gold; its end concurred with the end of the Renaissance and the emergence of the Experimental Method in sciences, corresponding to the decline of magical practices.
- Subtle artifice, deception.
- A series of complicated and misleading political maneuvers
System of practical (metallurgical, pharmaceutical...) philosophical and esoteric knowledge, developed in the Arab world and in Europe in the Middle Ages, that promoted, above all, the transmutability of raw base metals into gold; its end concurred with the end of the Renaissance and the emergence of the Experimental Method in sciences, corresponding to the decline of magical practices.
- Subtle artifice, deception.
- A series of complicated and misleading political maneuvers

<The first is the land entity, Saturn, where the force of the Earth acts, heavy and dense earth like lead, substance that supports the hard and tangible heavy status of the animal body. Cartilages, tendons. Titanic, telluric element and black. We are still in the mineral kingdom.
An underground river flows, the Aquatic, lunar Body, the Moon with Mercury, the white, is the life that flows in the body, the nervous system, the energy, the sensitivity, the ghosts, a luxuriant and humid vegetable kingdom at night.
The fluidific entity of Mercury ignited by the fire passes to the gaseous state, an igneous form, the power of combustion, red blood and animal movement, it’s the heat, it’s the ascension of the animal kingdom.
An underground river flows, the Aquatic, lunar Body, the Moon with Mercury, the white, is the life that flows in the body, the nervous system, the energy, the sensitivity, the ghosts, a luxuriant and humid vegetable kingdom at night.
The fluidific entity of Mercury ignited by the fire passes to the gaseous state, an igneous form, the power of combustion, red blood and animal movement, it’s the heat, it’s the ascension of the animal kingdom.
The threshold is exceeded, beyond heat, the intellectual entity is born, above, the sun, the gold of the human being, the center, the principle of stability that reaches the telluric structure and makes it alive, the most subtle entity, the spirit, the breath.
Transposition and metamorphosis. Just a moment, a moment of transition, incandescent metal: a phase. Cooling - hard metal, you go back to stone, you return heavy, you come back lead. it sinks>
Loosely based on Julius Evola, The Hermetic Tradition.
Transposition and metamorphosis. Just a moment, a moment of transition, incandescent metal: a phase. Cooling - hard metal, you go back to stone, you return heavy, you come back lead. it sinks>
Loosely based on Julius Evola, The Hermetic Tradition.
Although the images do not depict faces, the software sees them in the whirlwind and inaccuracies of the pixels of each image. It is a rigidly domesticated tool for finding faces on the biggest number of images possible.
So well trained that, testing it with images with no faces, it recognize and displays them even where they do not appear to the human eye.
The software used is opensource and available online. Having been designed to be exploited from a broad public, even for non-experts, it has therefore been trained also to work with bad quality photos or wrong framing.
To prevent a crash at first step, the error threshold has been extended, blurring the line between a face and a non-face,
to activate the process in the most robust and smooth way possible, without hitches, with high chances of victory.
To prevent a crash at first step, the error threshold has been extended, blurring the line between a face and a non-face,
to activate the process in the most robust and smooth way possible, without hitches, with high chances of victory.
Once the face is mapped on the pixels of the first image, the software requests to upload the second image, the one with which you want to do the morphing, to re-iterate the automatic mapping.
Mapping the same fundamental face- points on two different images, make it easy for the program to generate an animation that fades smoothly from one image to another, morphing the first face with the second one.
Mapping the same fundamental face- points on two different images, make it easy for the program to generate an animation that fades smoothly from one image to another, morphing the first face with the second one.
The images used represent the first step taken by the software, at the moment in which it strives in recognizing the face on the uploaded image, and it maps with a vector drawing the points of reference for identifying the face.
A subconscious illusion, the obsession to recognize familiarity in the unknown and the desire to reunite variable systems in a single system, to a single meaning. The contemporary paranoia of wanting to manage the unmanageable system of images and multiplied visions in which today we are virtually and physically absorbed; elusive numbers for a human being but not for a machine.
It is convenient to have machines that read better, faster and different than us, they easily can see things that we don't see.
A subconscious illusion, the obsession to recognize familiarity in the unknown and the desire to reunite variable systems in a single system, to a single meaning. The contemporary paranoia of wanting to manage the unmanageable system of images and multiplied visions in which today we are virtually and physically absorbed; elusive numbers for a human being but not for a machine.
It is convenient to have machines that read better, faster and different than us, they easily can see things that we don't see.
We want to look for a new humanism in the predominant technological world, we try to develop robust and repeatable processes, with small error threshold, to be sure of being able to rule the automatisms, to have the situation under control. Just like when we tried to govern the natural world, tame the savages, explore the jungles, collect the rarities and exceptions, bringing back and cataloging everything in an orderly diagram, to have everything framed within a symmetrical, reassuring, rewarding, circular system. To confirm the rule assumed to underlie the whole.
It is always and will be always a fail.
I will find accidents everywhere, and everything will run away going wild with unespected developements.
The chain will always break and the cycle will always derail from the path producing an unfamiliar extravaganza and the spirits will joyfully evade. I need to prepare a house for them.
I will find accidents everywhere, and everything will run away going wild with unespected developements.
The chain will always break and the cycle will always derail from the path producing an unfamiliar extravaganza and the spirits will joyfully evade. I need to prepare a house for them.

A small shrine set-up has been performed, to host and broadcast the morphing.

for A.