"Cut-Up Newspapers" workshop
-Data Visualization teaching module
Made with my friend Carlo De Gaetano
-Data Visualization teaching module
Made with my friend Carlo De Gaetano
IED Visual Art School
Milan - Italy
14 - 12 - 2016
*Graphic Design Course- a.a 2016.17
Milan - Italy
14 - 12 - 2016
*Graphic Design Course- a.a 2016.17
> Visualize in one page the newspaper of the day,
choosing a personal slant.
The exercise has been done with different newspapers simultaneously, in group up to 5 people, to ease a comparison and a dialogue, using different data visualization tecniques according to different type of content.
choosing a personal slant.
The exercise has been done with different newspapers simultaneously, in group up to 5 people, to ease a comparison and a dialogue, using different data visualization tecniques according to different type of content.
The goal was to break down and cut-up a complex tool by the information and data of which it is composed, and try to re-translate and re-transform it from a different perspective.
The workshop has been done by hand without any digital aid. All the data used were concrete data extracted from the newspaper, and no copy machine or computer was allowed.
The workshop has been done by hand without any digital aid. All the data used were concrete data extracted from the newspaper, and no copy machine or computer was allowed.