“Time+Horizon” 20m print, PVC / made with my friend Alex Piacentini during the artistic residency "Urban layers -Identity Flows hosted in Gibellina, Trapani - Sicily - at Fondazione Istituto di Alta Cultura Orestiadi curated by MUFOCO Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea (Cinisello Balsamo, Milan) and Fondazione Orestiadi onlus.

*the holes in the horizon correspond to the countries that don’t have an accessible online webcam looking at the sea.
<Federica Bardelli and Alex Piacentini use the images recorded by the webcams coming from the Mediterranean coasts for their project. They recreate through these images a long horizon which moves clockwise, from Gibraltar to Morocco. The technique used to realize each individual image is the slit-scan, which makes simultaneously visible, side by side in the frame, the successive instants recorded by the webcam, thus converting time into space. The combination of all frames generates in this way a complete record which, after about an hour, reaches the starting point again, like a radar that periodically scans the horizon.
The work consists of two opposing and complementary dimensions. The aesthetic appeal of the individual images containing casual micro everyday stories which take place in the short scan time and the evidence of a monitoring and broadcasting mechanism, a kind of panopticon, constituted by the technological apparatus of the project, in which the logics of tourism and surveillance, of desire and fear, meet and overlap.>



The project has been exhibited in different public spaces
1 .
14 - 29 May 2016 UPHO Urban Photo Festival Málaga (Spain)
2 .
20 - 10 July 2016 Photobiennale Θεσσαλονίκη Thessaloniki (Greece)
3 .
03 - 10 September 2016 Bitume Photofest Lecce (Italy)
and in a final exhibition at
4 .
10 - 19 March 2017 Identity Flows - Visual Routes Across The Mediterranean Sea, at Triennale di Milano (Italy)
1 .
14 - 29 May 2016 UPHO Urban Photo Festival Málaga (Spain)
2 .
20 - 10 July 2016 Photobiennale Θεσσαλονίκη Thessaloniki (Greece)
3 .
03 - 10 September 2016 Bitume Photofest Lecce (Italy)
and in a final exhibition at
4 .
10 - 19 March 2017 Identity Flows - Visual Routes Across The Mediterranean Sea, at Triennale di Milano (Italy)

recorded live online webcams;
Slit scan tecnique created with processing.js
recorded live online webcams;
Slit scan tecnique created with processing.js